Chowder Fan Club
Carltio Con Queso's Pizzeria

Screenshot (118)

Childrens' Pizzeria Arcade
Carltio Con Quesos Manager (Owner), Señorita Mesquite (Building's animatronic show)

Hola, Papi Chulos! Welcome to Carlito Con Queso's. Aaaah-yi!

—Welcoming quote from employee

Carlito Con Queso's Pizzeria is described in episode, Weekend at Shnitzel's, is a spanish-themed pizzeria arcade built for children's entertainment. It was Chowder's idea to visit the establishment since he claimed that it was too boring in Schnitzel's home.


  • It was stated by the Carlito Con Queso's Manager that the pizzeria has a small situation with rats entering the building.
  • Unexplained, a cow was seen in the pizzeria, and was mistaken for a game by Chowder.
  • Carlito with Cheese is the translated title for the building.
  • It is unknown what or if Carlito is a translatable word.
  • The building may have been temporarily closed for repair since Señorita Mesquite was broken from a pole that controlled her movement, and creation for a green flower replacement. Both actions were ironically done by Schnitzel
  • The inspiration for this foundation may be from Chuck-e-Cheese, a currently existing franchise.
  • This may also be the case since the mascot is also represents a mouse/rat.
  • in the birthday segment. Senorita Mesquite will sing happy birthday